Foundation Op Kleine Schaal (OKS) - on small scale - is a Dutch training and resource organization in Foster Care.
In 1982 a group of young independent professionals wanted to speed up the slow developments in residential and foster care in The Netherlands. They wanted to diminish the large institutions for children: ‘organize care of children and families on a smaller scale’.
To promote their idea's they created a renewal movement and erected a year later the foundation 'Op Kleine Schaal' (OKS). They realized soon that this essentially is a question of attitude and vision on society. Study-groups and advocating were there initial means to influence the national agenda.
Their guiding principle was: children and families more in the center and organize helping services on a smaler scale.
OKS became in 1988 a training and resource organization in Foster Care in the Netherlands and has in time worked in many European countries and other places in the world.
OKS is the principle implementer of the Child Welfare League of America's PRIDE Model of Practice in many European countries.
OKS became in the nineteens the editor of the National Foster Care Magazine MOBIEL and the WAT?!-paper for and by youth in care
OKS is the initiator of the development of Family Group Conference (FGC) in the Netherlands and the 'mother-organization' of the Eigen Kracht Centrale now responsible for dissemination and implementation of FGC in The Netherlands, to visit their website click please here.
OKS was also one of the founders of the European Network for FGC, to visit their website click please here.